Saturday, 15 November 2014


Here are a couple of photos from my moderation. I would just like to thank everyone for the continuous support throughout this project. The feedback that I have received via social media has been wonderful.  I hope you enjoy seeing the end product, thank you again.


So our final BTech Moderation took place on Thursday the 13th of November. Please have a look at the work that I presented. Below is my Design portfolio.



So our final BTech Moderation took place on Thursday the 13th of November. Please have a look at the work that I presented. Below is my Construction portfolio.


Friday, 7 November 2014

B-Tech Final Dissertation Submission

So today was our final B-Tech Theory Dissertation Submission for this project, have a look below at my Dissertation, comments are always welcome...

Dissertation .pdf

Monday, 27 October 2014

The Final Count Down

So, there are exactly 17 more days left of the B-Tech year, a lot of hard work is going on. The pressure is officially on....... Keep an eye out for more posts to come shortly, as I begin to finalize my work.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Some Inspirational Quotes

Poster Layout Presentation Ideas

Below are two of my poster layout ideas for Presentation Methods. We have a hand in every second week where the aim is to experiment with different layouts with the aim of developing a final presentation style for the end of the year Moderation. 

Some Conceptual Work Presented At The September Moderation

Below is just a collection of conceptual design work presented to the moderators earlier this month. Extensive revisions are still to be made to the design. Please feel free to leave any comments or constructive criticism.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Oral Defense Proposal

This is the Initial Oral Defense Proposal which was presented last week for approval, This provides a brief outline of what my intentions are for the B-Tech Specialized Project, what my main research questions are for the dissertation theory document and provides an idea of the Precedent studies that I will be looking at and analyzing to further inform my design proposal.

Samantha Webber - Oral Defense.pdf