Saturday, 15 November 2014


Here are a couple of photos from my moderation. I would just like to thank everyone for the continuous support throughout this project. The feedback that I have received via social media has been wonderful.  I hope you enjoy seeing the end product, thank you again.


So our final BTech Moderation took place on Thursday the 13th of November. Please have a look at the work that I presented. Below is my Design portfolio.



So our final BTech Moderation took place on Thursday the 13th of November. Please have a look at the work that I presented. Below is my Construction portfolio.


Friday, 7 November 2014

B-Tech Final Dissertation Submission

So today was our final B-Tech Theory Dissertation Submission for this project, have a look below at my Dissertation, comments are always welcome...

Dissertation .pdf

Monday, 27 October 2014

The Final Count Down

So, there are exactly 17 more days left of the B-Tech year, a lot of hard work is going on. The pressure is officially on....... Keep an eye out for more posts to come shortly, as I begin to finalize my work.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Some Inspirational Quotes

Poster Layout Presentation Ideas

Below are two of my poster layout ideas for Presentation Methods. We have a hand in every second week where the aim is to experiment with different layouts with the aim of developing a final presentation style for the end of the year Moderation.